My first exposure to this was in college where I read about a person with multiple personality disorder. One of the personalities was diabetic and required insulin while another had normal blood sugar. That someone's mental state can have that much effect on their body blew my mind. Scientific studies have shown that people who benefit from placebos actually show biological changes that reduce the disease. Sadly, most medical and scientific people look at placebos as an unavoidable lab flaw rather than exploring how to harness it to help people.

There are many traditions that use the mind to improve both health and life. My work with clients involves guiding them step by step to change their thinking and benefit their health and happiness. Since I see people as perfect and healthy, this often involves unlearning thought patterns of decades and releasing long hidden emotions that have negative impact on the body. Once these shifts occur, the body can go about its natural process of restoring to perfect health and happiness.

It may seem impossible that someone with stage 4 cancer and “little time to live” can do such work in time. I have witnessed people come back from these situations and know that this is possible.